Te Whare Waimairiiri, an 8-bed supported accommodation unit located in the north-west of Christchurch. We provide wrap around support for wahine who have either previous or present involvement with the criminal justice system and who have completed either a community or prison-based residential treatment programme. We act as a stepping stone from treatment to community with a focus on relapse prevention and provide supported accommodation for up to 16 weeks. Wahine are supported to attend treatment groups, volunteering placements, work and study as well as to rebuild connection with whānau.
Te Whare Waimaiiriri is a partnership between Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections), Odyssey House Trust Christchurch, and Pura Pura Whetu Trust. We are easily accessible to gyms, recreation facilities and the Christchurch city centre.
Te Whare Waimairiiri aims to provide a safe and supportive environment to help women who are struggling with their addictions as the begin to work and/ or study. The programme offers a range of additional assistance such as help to maintain changes that have been made around substance use, build whānau and social support, aid in developing life skills, structure and routine and assist when liaising with government agencies such as Ara Poutama (Department of Corrections), Oranga Tamariki and the Ministry of Social Development. The aim of the programme is to provide a pathway to independent living.
Time spent at Te Whare Waimairiiri is structured from the time from the start to the end of the day. Daily activities consist of daily house chores, study/employment, groups, and leisure activities. The aim of the programme is to provide a stepping-stone to independent living. Each wāhine will be helped to develop and follow an individual timetable to feel confident and ready to reintegrate back into the community.
To come to Te Whare Waimairiiri, you must:
• have a study or work plan in place
• have current or prior engagement with the criminal justice system (with the past 3 years)
• and, have completed an approved intensive residential alcohol and drug treatment programme